Sunday, January 6, 2008

Serving Buffalo

Let's face it. In this day and age there is a "serve yourself" mentality. Buffets, salad bars, "you-scan" checkouts, ATM machines, etc. So as to be expected, customer service in many industries has suffered. Immensely.

If you own a business and want it to succeed and grow, provide outstanding customer service. Most of us are so used to receiving sub-par service that we will be blown away. It's an easy formula.

If you want to see just how bad customer service has become, read
BuffaloGeek's post about his recent dealings with Joe Cecconi Chrysler Jeep in Niagara.

Having worked in retail, I tend to believe that there is usually another side to the story. Some sort of miscommunication or something the customer failed to understand. In this case, however, there seems to be only one side to the story. Horrible customer service.

The problem with auto dealerships is that once you sign on the dotted line, they have your money. There is nothing to guarantee you a positive service experience after the sale. Also, because of the severe disconnect between auto manufacturers and the dealerships that sell their cars, customer service complaints are usually met with an apology and a suggestion to contact your dealership in regards to the matter.

So I hope everyone who reads BuffaloGeek's horror story will think twice before ever patronizing this dealership. I recently leased a vehicle from Transitowne Dodge and the service I have received has been outstanding.

I encourage BuffaloGeek to not let this issue die. I would like to believe that the owner of this dealership cares enough about his customers to hold those involved accountable.

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