Sunday, June 1, 2008

Transit North Update

This is an update to a previous post.

Transit North, the collaborative effort of the City of Lockport, Town of Lockport and the Town of Pendleton to transform the stretch of Transit Road from Tonawanda Creek to the Erie Canal, has released a comprehensive website detailing their project.

Concept Rendering.

What I found to be most interesting is the 14-page Design Guidelines document. It seems that some communities in Western New York can come together, decide what they want and create a path to achievement. Are you paying attention Buffalo?

Build-out to the street with parking in the rear.

Comprehensive landscaping.

Pedestrian friendly environments.

I will surely be following this closely and will be very interested to see how this progresses. Will the stringent guidelines hinder development? Or will the destination nature of this plan act as a catalyst to bring in businesses looking to get their seat at the table. Time will tell.

Spend a few minutes checking out the website.

Transit North Historic Canalway Corridor

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